Halloween (go back »)

October 25 2008, 9:35 PM


Omg, so halloween is coming guys! Planned anything yet?

Me? OF COURSE! (lol xD) i love halloween~

This year, im going to be a "Modern Tokyo Pop Geisha."

If you\'re confused about that, just wait for a pic to be posted up ^^ . Anyway! LOL CHOCOLATES! <3 cant wait!! Last year, i had like 3 HUGE BAGS of goodies i got from trick or treating ^-^ Awesome much? LOL i know~ I was a Goth Princess last year, i looked freaky. I even scared myself. >.> LOL

But this year, im into more of the styles and such. so yeah

Cant wait!!! - Also, just for fun, if u have pics of u this halloween, feel free to reply and post it ^-^ thank you-


Chi~ <333


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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